The Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
to the Fact Sheets

Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
Fund is an independent, public-private partnership
working to:
dramatically increase funding to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria
rapidly direct these funds to effective prevention and
treatment programs, in the countries with greatest need.
The Fund seeks to accomplish these objectives by facilitating
the sharing of resources and expertise across national boundaries,
and between the private and public sectors.
Fund supports prevention and treatment programmes for people
infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria.
Proposals to the Fund must be evidence-based, technically
and developmentally sound, and must demonstrate that added
resources will bring results. The Fund prioritizes proposals
Focus on performance by linking resources to the achievement
of clear, measurable, and sustainable results
Promote "best practices," funding interventions that work
and can be scaled up to reach people affected by the three
Strengthen and reflect high-level, sustained political
involvement and commitment
Build on, complement, and coordinate with existing regional
and national programmes in support of national policies,
priorities, and partnerships
- Focus
on the creation, development, and expansion of government/private/NGO
Are developed with the participation of people infected
and directly affected by the three diseases
Encourage efforts to make quality drugs and products available
at the lowest possible prices for those in need, consistent
with international laws and agreements
Give due priority to the most affected countries and communities,
and to those countries most at risk
Aim to eliminate stigmatization of and discrimination
against those infected and affected by the three diseases
Road to the Fund
July 2000: the concept for an international funding
mechanism to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria was proposed
at the Okinawa G8 Summit
June 2001: at the urging of UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and many national leaders, the concept of the
Fund was unanimously endorsed at the UN General Assembly
Special Session on HIV/AIDS
July 2001:
G8 leaders meeting in Genoa committed US$1.3 billion
to the Fund
a Transitional Working Group (TWG) for the Fund was
established, consisting of nearly 40 representatives
of developing countries, donor countries, NGOs, the
private sector, and the UN system
July 2001 - January 2002: the TWG developed guidelines
for the Fund's operation, including its legal status,
management structure, financial systems and general eligibility
Late 2001: members of each of the Fund's constituencies
- including donor countries, developing countries, NGOs,
and the private sector - selected representatives for
the Fund's Board
January 2002:
the Board of the Fund held its first meeting (in Geneva,
Switzerland) and issued the first call for proposals
March 2002: deadline for first round of grants;
Technical Review Panel was appointed
April 2002: the Fund announced the first round
of grants at the conclusion of the second Board meeting
(in New York, USA)
Fund's board is highly diverse, in keeping with the
Fund's mission to be a broad and inclusive public private
partnership. All members of the Board were chosen by their
respective constituencies.
- The
Board includes an equal number of donor and developing
country governments, with seven seats each. The Board
also includes two NGO representatives and two private
sector representatives
UNAIDS, WHO, and the World Bank hold ex-officio (non-voting)
seats on the Board. The Board also includes a person living
with or affected by HIV/AIDS, TB or malaria, also in a
non-voting seat.
The Board Chair is Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga, Minster without
Portfolio of the Government of Uganda, and the Vice-Chair
is Seiji Morimoto, Deputy Director-General of the Multilateral
Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
in Japan.
Staff support for the Fund is being provided by a small
Interim Secretariat in Geneva until a permanent Secretariat
is established. Most staff members of the Interim Secretariat
are "on loan" from governments and multilateral agencies.